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(1) under the guidance of speech act theory, this paper comprehensively and systematically discusses the characteristics of imperative act and Chinese imperative sentence.

(2) the four options are imperative sentences, which show that the question is what one party suggests the other party to do, so that the examinee can focus on the sentence expressing the suggestion.

(3) in order to fully understand the non subject sentence, we must make clear the confusing concepts such as imperative sentence and ellipsis sentence.

(4) this paper mainly discusses the state adjectives in imperative sentences or sentences with imperative meaning. The basic semantic feature of state adjectives in imperative sentences is desire.

My daughter learned the first half of lesson 30 this evening. They are 17 imperative sentences. (5)
Imperative sentences are also called imperative sentences in English.

Let's stop wasting time. Let in this imperative is equivalent to an auxiliary verb.

(8) antonym questions are also used to make imperative sentences more polite
(9) in order to maximize the instantaneous effect, business advertising English is characterized by the extraordinary use of simple sentences, ellipsis sentences and imperative sentences.

(10) the research object of this paper is the mood of the verbal predicate in modern Japanese imperative sentences, that is, the imperative mood at the end of the sentence.



(i) et les quatre options sont des phrases impératives, ce qui explique que la question est de savoir ce que l'une des parties de la conversation suggère à l'autre partie de faire, afin que les candidats puissent se concentrer sur les phrases qui expriment des suggestions.


(ⅱ) l'objet de cette thèse est l'humeur des prédicats verbeux dans les phrases impératives japonaises modernes, c'est - à - dire l'humeur impérative à la fin des phrases.


Ma fille a appris la première moitié de la Le?on 30 ce soir.


(ⅳ) Cet article traite principalement des adjectifs d'état dans les phrases impératives ou les phrases avec des significations impératives.


(v) dans le but de maximiser l'effet instantané, la publicité commerciale anglaise est caractérisée par l'utilisation inhabituelle de phrases simples, d'ellipsies et de phrases impératives.













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